Setting up tinyauth with Github Apps
Tinyauth also supports Github Apps for authentication instead of OAuth Apps. Github Apps allow more control over permissions and are a bit more complex to setup. For the time being it is recommended you use the simple OAuth Apps, but in the future Github may deprecate this method of authentication.
Github requires the following to setup an app:
- Any domain name (even
) - A Github account
Create the Github App
Firstly, open the Github apps section and click New Github App. You should see the following screen:
There we need to fill in the following information:
Github App Name -> The name for your app, it can be anything, e.g. Tinyauth
Homepage URL -> Again can be anything, you can use
Callback URL -> This is the important part. You need to put the tinyauth app URL followed by /api/oauth/callback/github
, e.g.
Under webhook make sure to uncheck the active checkbox as we will not need any webhooks.
Finally under permissions, click account permissions and set the email addresses option to read only.
Then you can create your app and you should be greeted by this screen:
Here, make sure to note down your client ID as we will need it later. We also need a client secret which we can obtain by clicking the Generate new client secret button, you may need to authenticate again but once you do it will appear like this:
Make sure to also note this down as it will not be available again and we will need it for tinyauth.
Configure Tinyauth
Now that we have our client ID and secret, we can pass it to the tinyauth docker container:
container_name: tinyauth
- SECRET=some-random-32-chars-string
- USERS=your-email-password-hash
- GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=your-github-client-id
- GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=your-github-secret
traefik.enable: true
traefik.http.routers.tinyauth.rule: Host(``) 3000
traefik.http.middlewares.tinyauth.forwardauth.address: http://tinyauth:3000/api/auth/traefik
OAuth doesn't mean security, with the current setup everybody with a Github account can login to Tinyauth as a normal user. If you would like to limit which users can login with OAuth, you can add the OAUTH_WHITELIST
environment variable and allow only your email address to login. For more information check here
And we are done! After you restart your docker container and go to the tinyauth login screen, you should have an additional option to login with Github.